Thursday, December 17, 2009

Setting up a Wireless Network at home

The Wonderment of Wireless networking

As much as I would like to help out and visit everyone and setup wireless networks in your homes, I can't. What is great about setting up a wireless network is it is very easy. Every wireless router on the market is basically the same when it comes to setup. There are only a few steps to setup up a wireless router, plug it in and then log-into the configuration page through a browser and follow the setup steps.

One thing to remember is that whoever your ISP is (NetINS, GlobalCCS, MediaCom, WMTel) all would be a great place to start if you need help setting up a wireless router.

Linksys Instructions from Linksys (Cisco)

Belkin Website
Netgear Website Wirless Router Setup
Setting up a Linksys Router

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Re-Wiring your brain

The Wonderment of Web 2.0 Your Brain

With education and the world becoming more wired and interconnected, why not hack your brain. iTunesU is a great resource for many many many free lectures from Universities around the world, but this ONE from Texas A&M is specifically geared toward increasing your brain function and ability to learn.