Monday, February 23, 2009

The Wonderment of Marketing

The Wonderment of marketing or Why Microsoft hates the world.

When MS unleashed their newest version of Office on the world they changed the fundamental base of how their files worked. By doing so they are forcing users to upgrade or find ways to open the new .docx/.xlsx/.pptx files. Not everyone has the money to go out and buy a new copy of Office (South Hamilton CSD included). So I have a solution.

If you are "blessed" enough to have the newest version of Office and are sending your friends, family, business associates .docx files you may have been causing those folks a lot of work. The easiest way to prevent issues and the dreaded.... I typed this assignment at home and I can't open it at school scenario is to use "Save-As"

When you create a document in Office 2007 (windows) or 2008 (OsX) go up to your File menu and choose Save-As. This will allow you to choose an older format (.doc) that most people will be able to open wiothout a lot of sweat or heartache. This will also also allow files to be moved back and forth to and from school. (These steps also work if you have Word Perfect or MS Works you would just save-as to .rtf)

But my suggestion to solve the problem is just get a new piece of software, and you can stick it to MS beacause it is completely free. Go to Open and download Open Office Suite, it has a Word processor, Presentation software, Spreadsheet software, and database software all for free and for ANY platform you can think of. Did I mention it is free? OF allows you to open and save MS word and many many many other word processing documents and edit and save them to a variety of other programs.

Of course there are many other things you can do downloading converts, buying more software, dig out the typewriter, or just handwrite papers. Just remember Just beacuse it is the newest doesn't mean it is the best, and just because MS makes it doesn't mean you HAVE to have it.

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